A in association with SPIC MACAY organizes various arts & cultural events for the students of KCT. SPICMACAY is a non-political, nationwide, voluntary movement founded in 1977 by Dr.Kiran Seth, with an objective to enrich the quality of formal education by increasing the awareness about different aspects of Indian heritage and inspiring the young minds to imbibe the values in it.
Lecture demonstrations (LD) are used to spread the art form to students across India, they present the Indian classical art form in a comprehensive manner in front of today’s youth; which gives them the an understanding about the basics of classical art forms. The rapport thus created helps the students develop a wholesome understanding of not only the art form, but also the artiste as a practitioner of a certain way of life.

Event Details:
- LD by Shri Shashank Subramanyam, Carnatic Instrumental on March 2016
- LD by Ms. Arushi Mudgal, Odissi Classical Dancer on November 2016
- LD by Shri Sinam Basu Singh, Manipuri Classical Dancer on February 2017